Griet Teck
Griet Teck, eerste artist in residence bij het UPC KU Leuven
januari - mei, 2025 - UPC KU, Kortenberg
De filmcamera als therapeutisch instrument bij sterven en rouw - een gastcollege door Maïté Baillieul en Griet Teck
2 december, 2024 - RITCS, Brussel
Prijs voor beste bachelorproef: 'Een filmtherapeutische ruimte tussen leven en dood. Op welke manier kan film creatieftherapeutisch worden ingezet binnen palliatieve zorg?' - door Maïté Baillieul en Griet Teck
2 oktober, 2024 - Arteveldehogeschool
More info soon
Souterliedekens: Psallentes & Griet Teck
i.s.m. Concertgebouw Brugge
15 september, 2024 - Kapel Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis OLV
Opening: Mirabilis, a sculptural installation by Griet Teck & Maud Seuntjens
21 juli, 2024 - Sint-Odulphuskerk, Borgloon
Boekpresentatie Nieuwe Buren, Bart Lodewijks
Filmfragmenten van filmmaker Griet Teck
26 mei, 2024 - S.MA.K., Ghent
Conversation on the visual essay: à la rencontre de l'intensité - the inner/outer world of Philippe Van Snick.
22 January, 2023 - S.M.A.K., Ghent
Release Touching Infinity in Spain
November, 2022
Dirk Braeckman, video for honorary doctorate award VUB TAZ, narrated by Peter Verhelst
August 3, 2021
Video made for the honorary doctorate award ceremony of Dirk Braeckman and Stephan Vanfleteren for their social impact which is as Rector Caroline Pauwels puts it, can be compared to what academics strive for as well: "With these honorary doctorates, we deliberately make the bridge between science and art. After all, academics and artists both work from curiosity, wonder, freedom, creativity and critical thinking. The work of photographers such as Stephan Vanfleteren and Dirk Braeckman is proof of this."
LASSUS, de boetepsalmen - bekijk de film online
March 10, 2021
Op 10 maart werd de film live gestreamd, ingeleid door een interview met Griet Teck, vanuit de Onze Lieve Vrouwe Kerk in SInt-Truiden. Bekijk het interview + de film gratis via deze link.
Touching Infinity
January 23, 2021
Nomination Ensor: Best Belgian documentary !
Touching Infinity
Belgian Premiere: Friday 2, 2020 - DOCVILLE Film Festival
Cinema release on October 14!
Click here for more info & tickets.
LASSUS, the Penitential Psalms
Premiere: May 25, 2019 - Concertgebouw Brugge
How do we deal with confession and penance today? With the Penitential Psalms of Lassus as a guide, filmmaker Griet Teck and Musica initiated conversation with three women from the Penitentiary Complex in Bruges. TRAILER
Bart Lodewijks, expo Private Tag, Raversyde (BE)
September, 2016
With chalk and ruler Bart Lodewijks 'draw-signifies' his surroundings and captures it in texts, photographs and a documentary by Griet Teck. Leaving a trace behind, and the process, are as important as the visible result is temporary: the drawings are slowly washed away by the elements.
Writing in Flanders & The Netherlands - Saskia De Coster by Griet Teck
November 28, 2016
A 25 parts documentary series on renowned writers, poets and novelists of the Low Countries, made by the most important filmmakers from both The Netherlands and Flanders. In co-production with Interakt (NL) and Casa Kafka Pictures (BE, with support from VAF, Mediafund, the Nether
A LINE IS A LINE IS A LINE is part of Summer of Photography 2016, BOZAR (Brussels)
June 16, 2016
Click here to watch the film.
VAF grants production subsidies to TOUCHING INFINITY, the second feature documentary by Griet Teck
February 02, 2016
VAF grants production subsidies
December 11, 2015
A film by Griet Teck - 2015
supported by Museumcultuur Strombeek/Gent & Mondriaan Fonds
As part of the exhibition 'A line is a line is a line' (02.10.2015 > 13.12.2015, Cc Strombeek/S.M.A.K., BE) Griet Teck made a short film on Bart Lodewijks, an artist she already collaborated with during TRACK (S.M.A.K., Ghent, 2012)
Selected for the Berlinale Talents 2016
December 07, 2015
Griet Teck selected for Berlinale Talents 2016
TOUCHING INFINITY - the second feature documentary by Griet Teck receives scriptwriting support by VAF
October 28, 2014
Scriptwriting support by VAF
FEEL MY LOVE has been selected for the Seoul International Agape Film Festival (South Korea)
May 22, 2014
Seletion Seoul International Agape Film Festival (South Korea)
FEEL MY LOVE has been selected for the International Documentary Film Festival DOCVILLE (BE)
May 02, 2014
Belgian Premiere FEEL MY LOVE
FEEL MY LOVE has been selected for the Curaçao International Film Festival IFFR (CW)
April 02, 2014
Selection for the Curaçao International Film Festival IFFR (CW)
FEEL MY LOVE has been selected for the International Film Festival of Rotterdam (NL)
January 15, 2014
World Premiere on January 25 - Signals: Grand Tour 2014
avant-premiere FEEL MY LOVE - De Warande, Turnhout
January 12, 2014
Prof. dr. Rik Torfs, rector KU Leuven
Peter Bellens, deputy Province Antwerp
Prof. Jan Van Camp, senior lecturer master's degree music therapy, Luca, School of Arts
Peter Swinnen, Flemish Government Architect
Jos Lambrechts, engaged family member
STILL/HERE Graduation fiction short
June 01, 2010
Inspired by a true story ‘STILL/HERE’ tells the story of Michael, an architect who survives a serious car accident. After a bizarre near-death experience he recovers. His relationship with Hannah gets under pressure because he is unable to share what he feels. As he slowly recovers, he struggles with himself to find a place in a world he no longer understands.